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Cryolipolysis for Excess Fat

The name cryolipolysis is a combination of the words ‘cryo’ meaning cold, ‘lipo’ meaning fat, and ‘lysis’ meaning destruction. Cryopolysis is one of the techniques used in fat removal surgeries.

Cryolipolisis was invented while observing what can happen when kids eat popsicles. The cofounders of this process were fascinated by something called “cold-induced fat necrosis” which was reported to occur after young children ate popsicles that were unintentionally left resting on the cheek for several minutes. Skin samples taken from patients like these showed inflammation in the fat, but normal overlying skin. Thus, it appeared that fat may be more sensitive to cold injury than other tissue types.

Using this concept, a cooling device was tested on pigs in 2007 to see if fat cells could be selectively destroyed. The results were encouraging and predictable; there was about an almost 1.3 cm reduction in the pig’s fat layer, without damaging the overlying skin, in the treated areas. By 2010, the first cryolipolysis technology approved for human use, named CoolSculpting, was cleared as a treatment for love handles, and other parts of the body, including the thighs, belly, bra fat, back, the underside of the buttocks, and chin soon followed.

Cryolipolysis is one of the non-surgical ways to get rid of your excess fat. This method is inspired by the reaction of the fat cells on the cheeks to the cold as a result of the children who eat ice cream to wait on their cheeks. Although it is a good and low-risk procedure, it has disadvantages. So, if you consider the cryolipolysis technique you can read and learn more in our blog.

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